lawn careFertilizer is an important ingredient if you want to grow and maintain a green and lush lawn. That’s why it should be part of your lawn care routine. Unfortunately, not all homeowners use them because they don’t know the basics of fertilizing their lawn. Things are made more complicated when they apply the lawn fertilizer incorrectly because they end up harming their lawn.

Lawn Care Fertilization Tips

Spring is the best time to fertilize your lawn because the soil temperature reaches 55 degrees Fahrenheit. One sure sign is when lilacs bloom and the grass starts growing. You can also purchase a soil thermometer so you can monitor the temperature. In many parts of the country, fertilizers should be applied initially during mid-April.

When looking for the fertilizers, you will see three numbers of the label. They represent the nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium percentage. They are the main ingredients required to feed your lawn. A good basic mix of fertilizer that you can use in spring is a 20-5-10 bag.

Slow release fertilizers work by breaking down the nutrients over a certain period. This option allows you to wait longer in between applications such as every 6 to 8 weeks, based on your watering schedule.

When lawn care experts apply the fertilizer to your lawn, they usually bring a tanker truck and spray your whole lawn in a short amount of time. However, the professionals do this every day and they know how to take into account the wind and make sure that the entire lawn gets enough coverage. And they have the right equipment to get the job done correctly. On the other hand, homeowners will use granules, which are very easy to apply using a spreader.

Contrary to what other people believe, the more you water your lawn, the more fertilizer is required. If more water is provided, there is more growth, and you then think that more fertilizer is required. The grass grows and more nutrients is being used. If you’re using an automatic sprinkler, you must fertilize your lawn about every six weeks. If you don’t use a sprinkler system, you could wait for 2 weeks more before applying fertilizer.

You should also read the label so you’ll know if you have to water the lawn before or after you apply fertilizer. Granulated fertilizers require moisture in order to break down, and some fertilizers will require that you soak the lawn before the application.

If you’re ready to add fertilizer into the spreader, park it on your patio or driveway. If you can’t, cover it with a tarp. Don’t forget to shut the hopper before you fill up the spreader. This is one of the common lawn care Conway mistakes that homeowners make when it comes to lawn car. It’s better to use a broadcast spreader than a drop spreader. It’s easy to use and less likely to cause stripes in your lawn due to incorrectly overlapping the rows. Aside from that, broadcast spreader are cheaper. A handheld broadcast spreader, which comes with a hand crank. Regardless of what kind of spreader you use, be sure to have a steady and consistent pace when applying the fertilizer. If you don’t, it may cause the fertilizer to be spread too thin in certain spots and too thick in other areas.

Call Conway Lawn Care Service now if you need professional help in maintaining your landscape.

Conway Lawn Care Service
Conway, SC 29526

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