lawn careEverybody knows that a beautiful lawn needs to be maintained in the summer. However, do you know how to maintain your lawn in winter? What lawn care steps should you follow? Read on to know how:

Do you know the ideal height for your grass to be kept for winter when you last use the mower each fall?

The health and strength of your grass will be affected by many factors in the dormant period. You need to understand how conditions, grass height, and proper care can affect the health and appearance of your lawn when spring comes around. Find out when your grass stops growing and how much to cut before winter. Also, learn how to keep your grass green in winter.

Is grass able to grow in winter?

Some people believe that the last mow is after the snow melts, while others think it’s in the fall. What is the end of grass growth? Is grass able to grow in winter? If the temperature is right, winter grass can actually grow. Even though the temperatures are above 55 degrees during the day, grass will continue to grow. Depending on the year, this can be extended into November.

Why is it better to have shorter grass in the winter?

Long grass isn’t the best choice for winter and it certainly doesn’t go well with lawn care in Conway during winter. Long grass is a food source for small animals and insects, like voles. They will eat the snow-covered grass throughout winter. Your lawn is at risk for disease and provides a place for bacteria and mold to thrive. This could put your grass at high risk of diseases like snow mold.

Excessive water, thatch, and debris can cause snow mold. The dampness and cold create a breeding ground for disease. This can be avoided by cutting your grass back in winter.

How long should you trim grass before winter?

It is important to choose the right height of grass for winter. A bad cut can put stress on the plant. Cut your grass too short and cold weather can cause damage to the roots and leaves. Your grass could become ill if it is too long. Winter grass should be between 2 and 2.5 inches in height. This allows grass to grow short enough to resist disease spreading, but not too short that it is stressed by the cold. You can reduce the height of your mower blades as temperatures drop and growth slows down until they reach this ideal length. This is the height you should be mowing your lawn at the end of the fall season.

How to keep your grass green in winter

After you have determined the right height for your winter grass cutting, you might wonder if you should fertilize. Your lawn can be affected by the harsh winter weather. It’s important to prepare your lawn for the cold weather because your grass will go dormant. Fall is the best season to fertilize your grass. Fall is the peak season because the plant is actively growing its roots. To keep your lawn green and healthy, fertilize it in the fall. You can help your yard retain its color and vibrancy through the winter by doing a little bit of advanced treatment.

Call Conway Lawn Care Service for your landscaping and lawn care needs.

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Conway Lawn Care Service
Conway, SC 29526

Areas Served: Carolina ForestMyrtle BeachNorth Myrtle BeachConwaySurfside BeachForestbrook