Once spring is in the air, you will notice the first daffodils or crocuses return, marking that the season will soon come. These indications also tell you that you have to prepare your lawn for the growing season. The perfect time to take on these spring lawn care tasks rely upon the climate where you live. In case you get snow in your place, then begin once you’re confident that the snow season is finally over.
8 Tasks To Do Before Spring Comes
Rake deeply – the first lawn care Conway tip task you need to take on when preparing your lawn for new growth is raking. You’re probably thinking why rake the lawn when no leaves have fallen from the trees for months. You need to deal with thatch. It is the layer of dead turfgrass tissue that you’ll find between the green vegetation of the grass on top as well as the soil and root system below. When this layer becomes too thick, it can be bad for the health of your lawn grass. That’s why you should rake deeply as you prepare for spring. Raking must also be done to solve problems with snow mold. It will help new grass to penetrate the matted patches.
Aerate if necessary – if your lawn is getting too much traffic, it may lead to soil compaction. In case you notice moss, which lives on compacted soil, you can remove it, however, you have to search much deeper into the root cause. Your soil needs aeration. You can create openings in your lawn turf by using a lawn aerator as it allows air and water to get into the soil and get to the grass roots. You could also rent a lawn aerator at your local hardware store or in case you’ve got a small lawn, you could manually utilize a hand aerator to get it done.
Evaluate the soil – aside from soil compaction, in case you notice moss is coating the ground, it is an indication of acidic soil. Grass love a neutral pH. You could neutralize the acid in the soil with the addition of lime. However, it’s not a fast fix because lime works gradually. Before you do any of this, you have to send out a soil sample to the cooperative extension office so the acidity of the soil will be determined. A soil that’s too alkaline may cause issues with your lawn too. So you have to apply lime only to correct and not to prevent.
Overseed – a lawn that’s filled with bare patches because of heavy traffic, dog spots, or perhaps neglect need grass seed to be applied so that they could fill the bare patches. Overseeding involves sowing seed on existing grass. Use a slow release nitrogen fertilizer when you are overseeding. Five weeks following the grass germination, you should apply a quick release nitrogen fertilizer.
Fertilize – use mulching mowers and compost to fertilize your lawn. Lawn experts also suggest a lighter feeding during spring and then a heavier feeding during the fall season. Be careful when fertilizing during the spring season because it can lead to weed problems and disease.
Call Conway Lawn Care Service now and let us help you prepare your lawn for spring.
Conway Lawn Care Service
Conway, SC 29526
Areas Served: Carolina Forest, Myrtle Beach, North Myrtle Beach, Conway, Surfside Beach, Forestbrook