lawn careTo prepare for the spring season, you need to get a head start on your lawn care and landscaping. It is time to prepare your flower and planter beds to ensure your lawn will be able to accommodate your growing plants this season.

Here are some basic Conway spring lawn care tips to help ensure your lawn is ready for the spring season:

Working with mulch

When you notice your perennials slowly growing through the mulch, remove the mulch to give your plants enough room to breathe. You don’t need the mulch to cover the entire plant anyway since you no longer have to protect the plants. However, you can opt to add mulch at the base of your plants to prevent the growth of weeds in the planter bed. If you will do so, you might want to use organic mulch, which primarily consists of shredded bark, compost, and Gromulch. This is better than ordinary mulch as this benefits your soil in that it helps improve soil structure, nutrient level, and moisture retention.

Feeding your perennials

You can opt to feed your perennials to ensure they mature properly and are healthy. You can use slow-release plant food or plant food with a systemic insecticide to prevent insects from swarming around your plants and affecting their growth.

Using fertilizer on new landscapes

The use of fertilizer is an important aspect of spring lawn care, particularly in ensuring the best growth for the spring season. This is true for new landscaping, especially those that are less than 5 years old. Your newly planted shrubs, trees, and flowers will also need all the nutrients that they can get to ensure their roots are well-established in the soil.

Most lawn care Conway professionals suggest using balanced, slow-release fertilizer for new lawns and newly installed plants. This type of fertilizer gradually releases the nutrients making them available to all the plants in an equal and balanced manner. For evergreen trees and shrubs, hydrangeas, rhododendrons, and dogwood trees, experts recommend fertilizer for acid-loving plants. You can use the average balanced fertilizer for most deciduous trees and shrubs.

Basic Lawn Care Tips

Using fertilizer on well-established landscapes

If you are not sure whether or not you will need to add fertilizer to your lawn, spend the time to monitor and examine your plants’ and trees’ growth habit. You definitely have to use fertilizer if your plants and trees do not grow properly. Some of the signs you should look for include smaller leaves than normal and a different color of the leaves. If you had insect problems before on your lawn, it is best to use a specific product to prevent the same problem from reoccurring.

Carefully read the instructions for adding the fertilizer to know how much of the fertilizer to add and the right time of year to add it. Keep in mind that too much fertilizer and addition at the wrong time of the year will have a negative impact on your lawn.

Preparing the lawn

Rake your lawn whenever possible as soon as winter has passed. This will allow you to immediately remove thatch build-up on your lawn. When you have removed all debris and thatch on your lawn, proceed to aerate your lawn to allow water and nutrients to move freely throughout the soil. This will provide your plants’ roots easy access to the much-needed water and nutrients. Additionally, this will also help prevent thatch build-up in the future.

Nourishing the lawn

Apply a balanced slow release fertilizer to your lawn to ensure it is properly nourished. This type of fertilizer has the right amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Don’t forget that too much or too little of any of these nutrients may be bad for the overall health of your lawn. If you notice weeds growing on your lawns, you can opt to use another type of fertilizer that will prevent their continuous growth. Alternatively, you can also use two types of fertilizer to ensure your lawn is properly nourished. Just be sure to follow the directions in adding the fertilizers.

Tuning up your lawn mower and other tools

You will be more likely to spend more time on your lawn this growing season so you will likely need your lawn mower and other tools. Before using them, though, you will need to tune them up first and ensure they are in proper working condition so that they won’t end up damaging your lawn and plants.

Checking the irrigation system

Because you’re now going to start using your irrigation system, you will need to check it for leaks first before turning it on. Look for signs of leakage, broken heads, complete coverage, and other potential problems. If you experienced problems with your irrigation system before, it is best to call in a specialist to inspect the system and conduct a tune-up or do repairs when necessary. It is also a good idea to check the drip emitters that were placed near your trees and shrubs. Find out whether there is a need to move the emitters further away to ensure they won’t prevent root growth and ensure that the entire zone will get watered. Call a lawn care expert if you need help.

Give Conway Lawn Care Services a call now for more help and information regarding your spring lawn care project.

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Conway Lawn Care Service
Conway, SC 29526

Areas Served: Carolina ForestMyrtle BeachNorth Myrtle BeachConwaySurfside BeachForestbrook